Saturday, April 14, 2018


The fat that accumulates in the abdomen is a problem that can cause serious health problems with the passage of time. Therefore, we are facing something that goes beyond the typical joke of petit brewery and an aesthetic issue, and that abdominal fat can lead to a greater possibility of suffering cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, erectile dysfunction in the case of men, asthma or osteoporosis, as well as migraines and migraine, these latter cases especially in people between 20 and 55 years old.

In the same way, it must be kept in mind that the accumulation of fat in the abdomen can also be a serious problem from the moment in which it can also directly affect the internal organs. Therefore, arrived at this case, it is important to emphasize that more important than the amount of fat stored in the body is its location, and in this sense, the accumulated in the abdomen causes a greater risk of suffering from chronic diseases.
So what better to know some of the factors that cause the accumulation of fat in the abdomen to fight against them and thus reduce the likelihood of ending up suffering it. Take note of these nine causes that facilitate the accumulation of fat in a person's abdomen:


Or what is the same, what all life has been known to eat badly? Exceeding the calories established for our age, weight and physical condition through a diet based on an excess of carbohydrates and fats is an invitation to finally accumulate abdominal fat. And do not say if we abuse candy, cookies or products such as chips, which do not provide nutrients to our body, but they do increase, and in what way, caloric intake.
Once again we recommend enjoying every day a healthy diet that supports the intake of varied fruit, eggs, fish, chicken, vegetables and low-fat dairy, as well as a reduction in saturated fats, salt, added sugars, and cholesterol.


If we wanted to put it into a mathematical equation we could say that sedentary lifestyle is equal to a greater possibility of suffering abdominal fat. Physical activity is an ideal tool to have the metabolism in on mode and burn fat in this way. It may seem obvious, but it is so and also, it is always good to remember that exercise helps us to maintain a healthier life, as in this case. So you know, nothing to stay at home every day sitting on the couch ...

Hormones are also a key factor at the time of suffering, or not, this problem. Poor hormonal regulation, or the activity of some of the hormones involved in the metabolism of growth and fatty acids -especially luteinizing and leptin- cause a greater risk of accumulation in a person. fat in the abdomen.

Another important factor to consider, like the hormonal one. Some researchers suggest that body fat varies genetically in different areas of our body. In this way, if a significant part of the members of a family accumulates fat in the abdomen, there is a greater risk that the rest of the components of the same end up suffering also this fact.

There are studies that reveal that a high consumption of alcohol can increase, in an important way, the generation of abdominal fat, since alcohol adds extra liquid calories to solid type foods. Also, we must be careful also with excessive consumption of soft drinks, because if they are abused they can cause both a digestive malfunction and abdominal inflammation.

Is being stressed can affect the appearance of abdominal fat? So that's it. Stress produces hormonal changes that can lead to weight gain. In fact, it stimulates the adrenal glands, which release hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. When the latter increases in blood, it facilitates the formation of fat in the body - a process known as lipogenesis - which ends up being deposited in the abdomen.

accumulation-of-fat-abdominalYa knows that experts stress the importance of getting enough hours, which is not only good for a proper rest ... and is that numerous studies show that people who do not sleep as necessary usually consume more calories and accumulate fat in the abdomen.
For every additional hour of sleep, after 7 hours, you can reduce the risk of overweight by 36 percent.
Like stress, people who do not get enough sleep experience hormonal changes. Lack of sleep decreases the level of leptin and, on the other hand, increases the level of ghrelin, responsible for the increase in weight.

8.    AGE
The older you are, the greater the possibility of having more fat in your abdomen, according to some studies - it is necessary to say that there are others that do not see it as clear. And is that as we get older, the production of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone -DHEA- decreases, a circumstance that could lead to the accumulation of abdominal fat, although we repeat that there are experts who do not see this relationship so clear.

9.    SEX
And finally, we must talk about the sexual condition, which tells us that men are more likely to suffer fat accumulation in the abdomen than women, who usually have more fat located in the hips, thighs and buttocks area.

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