Sunday, March 29, 2020

Public Advice on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) 2019

Basic protection against new coronavirus

Stay tuned for the latest information on the 2019 coronavirus disease outbreak on the WHO website and national and local public health agencies. Coronavirus disease still mainly affects China in 2019, but some outbreaks have also occurred in other countries. Most infected people have mild symptoms and will recover, but some infected people may be severely ill. Here are some ways you can protect yourself and others:

Wash your hands frequently

If your hands are not noticeably dirty, often wash your hands with alcohol-free hand sanitizer or wash your hands with soap and water.  

Reasons: Clean hands with alcohol-free hand sanitizer or wash hands with soap and water to kill the virus.

Keep social distance

Keep a distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) from others, especially from people who cough, sneeze and get a fever.

Reason: People infected with respiratory diseases such as 2019-nCoV will splash virus-containing droplets when they cough or sneeze. If you are too close, you may inhale the virus.

Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

Why: Touch your hands with many surfaces that may be contaminated by the virus. If you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with a contaminated hand, you may be infected by a virus that remains on the surface of the object.

Maintain good respiratory hygiene

Make sure you and the people around you maintain good respiratory hygiene. When sneezing or coughing, cover your nose and mouth with a curved elbow, or use a paper towel and immediately dispose of the used paper towel properly.

Reason: Droplets can spread the virus. Good respiratory hygiene should be maintained to protect those around you from viruses such as the common cold, flu and new coronavirus.

If fever, cough, and dyspnea, consult a doctor early

If you have traveled to China where the 2019-nCoV outbreak was reported, or have been in close contact with someone who has recently come from China and has respiratory symptoms, please inform the medical staff.

Reasons: Fever, cough, and dyspnea may be symptoms of respiratory infections or other serious illnesses, so it is important to seek medical attention in a timely manner. There may be multiple causes of respiratory symptoms associated with fever, and specific analysis should be based on the personal travel experience and environment. 2019-nCoV may be a cause of respiratory symptoms.

Stay informed and follow the medical staff's recommendations
Keep up to date with the latest developments in coronavirus disease 2019. Follow the advice provided by medical staff, national and local public health authorities, or employers on how you and others can prevent Coronavirus 2019.

Why: National and local authorities have up-to-date information on whether coronavirus disease is spreading in your area in 2019. They are best qualified to advise residents in your area on how to protect themselves.

Protective measures for people who are currently in areas where coronavirus transmission is happening or have visited these areas recently (in the last 14 days)

Follow the instructions above.
If you start to feel unwell, even if your symptoms are mild (such as headaches and a slight runny nose), rest at home until you recover.

Reasons: Avoiding contact with others and avoiding going to a medical institution helps medical institutions operate more efficiently and helps protect you and others from coronavirus and other viruses.
If you have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, it may be caused by a respiratory infection or other serious illness, and you should see a doctor quickly. Please call in advance and inform the medical staff of any recent travel history or contact history with the traveler.

Why: Calling in advance allows medical staff to quickly guide you to the appropriate medical facility. This also helps prevent the spread of 2019 coronavirus and other viruses.


Q: Should I avoid shaking hands due to the new coronavirus?
Answer: Yes. Shaking hands, touching eyes, nose, and mouth can all spread respiratory viruses. You can wave, nod, or bow when greeting people.

Q: How can I greet others to avoid getting new coronavirus?
Answer: The safest way to prevent COVID-19 in 2019 is to avoid physical contact when greeting. Safe ways of greeting include waving, nodding or bowing.

Q: Can wearing rubber gloves in public places be effective in preventing new coronavirus infections?
Answer: No. Washing your hands more often than wearing rubber gloves will prevent you from getting COVID-19. COVID-19 contaminants may be present on rubber gloves. If you touch your face later, the contaminants will move from the gloves to your face and may spread the disease to you.

 Helping children cope with stress during coronavirus disease in 2019

Children may respond to stress in a variety of ways, such as being more sticky, anxious, flinching, angry or irritable, bedwetting, and so on.

Helping children cope with stress during coronavirus disease in 2019
Children may respond to stress in a variety of ways, such as being more sticky, anxious, flinching, angry or irritable, bedwetting, and so on.

Understand your children's reactions, care for them, listen to their concerns, and give them extra care.

In difficult times, children need adult care. Pay more attention to them and spend more time with them.

Listen patiently to your children, and talk to them with joy and peace of mind.

Create as many opportunities for children to play and relax as possible.

Try to keep children with parents and family, and keep children and caregivers as separate as possible. If you have to be separated (such as hospitalization), make sure to contact frequently by phone or other means to give your child peace of mind.

Maintain daily routines and work schedules as much as possible, or help develop new routines and work schedules in a new environment, including determining the time for class/learning and safe play and relaxation.

Tell what happened in plain language based on the age of the child, explain the current situation, and clearly tell them how to reduce the risk of infection.

They should also be told what might happen and be assured (for example, if the family and/or child starts feeling unwell and may need to go to the hospital for a while, tell the child that the doctor will help ease the condition).

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