Sunday, March 29, 2020

Muscle is the body fat burner! Eat enough to lose weight!

How can you lose weight without eating? Although it is a joke, it is also very meaningful. If you do n’t eat enough, exercise will be weak, and you will not be able to maintain long-term exercise to lose weight. Without exercise, there will be no healthy and strong muscles, and the effect of weight loss will be greatly reduced.

Lose weight is fat, not weight?

Human body weight includes fat weight and fat-free weight . Losing weight means reducing fat weight while keeping lean weight as much as possible.

In order to achieve the perfect body, blindly through the so-called hunger therapy, that is, eat less or not every day to achieve the effect of reducing weight, eventually leading to physical conditions gradually decline with weight loss, seriously affecting normal life, work, and study.
Long-term dieting will also bring huge challenges to the dieter ’s psychology and physiology. Once you ca n’t withstand hunger, it ’s easy to resume the dietary habits before dieting. After a while, the body fat will appear again, causing the weight rebound to even exceed the original. body weight.

Given the composition of the body, is it important to look at the proportion of body fat, not how much weight you need to lose weight? For people with a relatively high proportion of muscles, they are relatively heavy but do not need to lose weight, because their weight is mainly lean. People with a high percentage of fat should focus on weight loss, with the goal of achieving a reduction in body fat percentage, rather than weight loss alone.

Muscles are human fat burners

There are more than 600 muscles in the human body, which are composed of about 6 billion muscle fibers. Muscle tissue accounts for 35% -40% of the human body's weight. The total length of capillaries in the muscle can reach 100,000 kilometers, which can circle the earth two and a half times.

Large and small muscles become the main components supporting the human body. According to data analysis, muscle cells produce much higher calories than fat cells, so even if they are not active, they need to consume a lot of calories because they need to maintain the normal metabolism of the body.

Because muscle cells of the same volume consume much more heat than fat cells of the same volume, people with more developed muscle mass can help the body consume more calories, which is conducive to weight loss.

Exercise allows the body to build strong muscles, not a pile of fat that bubbling.
During your exercise and daily life, muscles burn a lot of fat.

Increasing muscle is easier to burn calories, so we recommend exercise to lose weight on weekdays. Although exercise will not change our height and age and may even include weight, but changing our body's muscle and fat content will also change our basal metabolic rate.

Although some people don't care about the difference in energy consumption between muscle and fat, if anyone thinks that muscle contributes little to RMR, the brain usually accounts for 20% of the RMR, followed by the heart, 15-20%, and kidney again.

Skinny muscles can easily cause obesity

Many people have not changed their eating habits after the age of 30, and they have also exercised a bit, but their weight has increased year by year and their bodies are no longer exquisite. The main reason is that the «basal metabolic rate» has dropped.

According to research, after the age of 30, the basal metabolic rate will decrease by 2 to 5% every 10 years. Imagine a woman in her 30s who weighs 55 kg and needs about 1,300 kilocalories to maintain the basal metabolic rate every day. When the calories accumulate to about 7700 kcal, your body will gain 1 kg of fat!

Generally, skeletal muscle mass in adulthood is close to 35-40% of human body weight. With the increase of age, skeletal muscle mass begins to decline. Beginning at the age of 40, adults lose about 5% to 5% of muscle mass every ten years. By the age of 75 to 80, skeletal muscles account for only 25% of body weight. Because muscle mass is declining, people's basal metabolic rate decreases by 3% every ten years.

 People who do not exercise regularly lose 0.25 kilograms of muscle and increase 0.25 kilograms of fat each year. Fat accumulation leads to weight gain, which places a great burden on the heart's blood supply.

The benefits of feeding your muscles

Muscle burns more calories than fat. Only with strong muscles do we have to worry about the temptation on the tip of our tongue, and we don't have to live in panic all day long.
Only by working hard to maintain your muscles can you resist the natural decline in metabolism over the years.

Only by working hard on your muscles can you resist aerobic exercise to the muscles. Only with strong and strong muscles can you experience how wonderful every move is full of strength and can fully control your body.

Feeding your muscles is not something you can do with food alone. The need for proper exercise, a reasonable diet, and proper meals after training can fill up muscles quickly at the moment when the muscles are most hungry, thereby improving muscle quality.

Feeding muscles is also a long-term process. Never use excessive hunger therapy to lose weight. When losing weight is bad for your body, this is because weight loss may lose muscle and fat at the same time.

It is often easier to lose muscle than to lose fat, because muscle water content is relatively large. Generally speaking, for every ten pounds of body weight lost in a low-calorie diet, 3 pounds of muscle are lost.


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