Sunday, March 29, 2020

Coronavirus disease 2019: rumors and facts

COVID-19 virus can spread in hot and humid climates

From the evidence obtained so far, COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in all regions , including hot and humid climates. Regardless of the climate, if you live or travel to an area where a COVID-19 outbreak is reported, be sure to take protective measures. The best way to avoid getting COVID-19 is to wash your hands frequently. This removes viruses that may be on your hands and avoids subsequent infections that may occur from touching your eyes, mouth, and nose.

Low temperature and snow cannot kill new coronavirus

There is no reason to think that cold weather can kill new coronaviruses or other diseases. Regardless of outside temperature or weather, normal body temperature remains around 36.5 and 37. Washing your hands frequently with alcohol-free hand sanitizer or soap and water is the most effective way to protect yourself from getting infected with Coronavirus 2019.

Taking a hot bath does not prevent new coronavirus disease

Taking a hot bath does not prevent COVID-19. Regardless of your bath or shower temperature, your normal body temperature will remain between 36.5 ° C and 37 ° C. In fact, if you take a hot bath, overheating the water is harmful and may burn you. Washing your hands frequently is the best way to prevent COVID-19. It can remove the virus from your hands and avoid possible infection due to your hands touching your eyes, mouth and nose.

New coronavirus cannot be transmitted by mosquito bites

To date, there is no information or evidence that mosquitoes may transmit coronavirus disease 2019. The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus that is transmitted mainly by contact with respiratory droplets that are produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or by contact with saliva or snot. To protect yourself, wash your hands frequently with alcohol-free hand sanitizer or soap and water, and avoid close contact with people who cough or sneeze.

Are hand dryers effective for killing new coronaviruses?

invalid. Hand dryers are not effective in killing new coronaviruses. To protect yourself from the new coronavirus, you should always wash your hands with alcohol-free hand sanitizer or soap and water. After washing your hands, wipe them thoroughly with paper towels or dry them with a warm air dryer.

Can UV disinfection lamps kill new coronaviruses ?

Ultraviolet light should not be used to disinfect hands or other skin areas, as ultraviolet radiation can cause erythema (skin irritation).

Is a body temperature scanner effective in detecting new coronavirus infections?

Yes, a body temperature scanner is effective in detecting people who have a fever due to a new coronavirus infection.
However, if you are infected but have not had a fever, it cannot be detected by a temperature scanner. This is because it takes 2-10 days for an infected person to get sick and have a fever.

Can whole body spray with alcohol or chlorine kill the new coronavirus ?

No. Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over the body does not kill viruses that have already entered the body. Spraying such substances may be harmful to clothing or mucous membranes (ie eyes, mouth). Please note that alcohol and chlorine may be useful for disinfecting a variety of surfaces, but follow appropriate recommendations when using them.

Can pneumonia vaccine prevent new coronavirus?

No. Pneumonia vaccines, such as the pneumococcal vaccine and the Haemophilus influenzae vaccine, cannot prevent new coronaviruses.
This virus is new and different and requires specialized vaccines. With WHO support, researchers are working to develop a new coronavirus vaccine.
Although these respiratory disease vaccines are not effective in preventing new coronaviruses, we strongly recommend vaccinating them to maintain health.

Does regular nose washing with saline help prevent new coronavirus infections?

There is no evidence that regular irrigation of the nose with saline can prevent infection with the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
There is limited evidence that regular nose washing with saline can help people recover more quickly from the common cold. However, regular nose washing does not prevent respiratory infections.

Can eating garlic prevent new coronavirus infections?

Garlic is a healthy food and may have some antibacterial properties. However, from the current outbreak, there is no evidence that consumption of garlic can protect people from the new coronavirus infection.

Will new coronaviruses affect older people? Are young people vulnerable too?

People of all ages can be affected by the new coronavirus. People who are older and suffering from asthma, diabetes, heart disease, etc. may be more likely to contract the virus.
WHO recommends that people of all ages take steps to protect themselves from viral infections, such as hygienic habits to keep hands clean and respiratory health.

Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating new coronaviruses?

Antibiotics are not effective against viruses, but only against bacteria.
The new coronavirus is a virus, so antibiotics should not be used as a preventive or therapeutic approach.
However, if you are hospitalized with a new coronavirus, you may be treated with antibiotics because you may be infected with bacteria at the same time.

Are there medicines specifically for the prevention and treatment of new coronaviruses?

To date, there are no drugs specifically designed to prevent and treat new coronaviruses.
Those infected should receive treatment for remission and symptomatic treatment, while patients with severe disease should receive the best supportive treatment for all their symptoms. Specific treatments are under study and will be tested in clinical trials. WHO is working with partners to help accelerate research and development.

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