Thursday, February 2, 2017

* Obesity and overweight

Obesity has become common among women, men and children, and people get upset them, they distort the view of the body Lose shape and slim of the body and threaten human health and injury in some diseases may affect human life, and lead people to worry them .. A lot of people are using some of correct medical methods and others are using popular recipes.

Before we begin our conversation about obesity at all do not recommend the use of laxatives and diuretics and the use of the popular recipes such as drinking boiled parsley, drinking boiled carrots in order to lose weight it is harmful to the body if used frequently because it will lead to the decrease in salts and minerals.

Obesity in women: Obesity in women is generally not on the side of risk as it is in men there is a woman's natural willingness to increase its weight, due to female hormones that help the deposition of fat in   some areas of the body,Also partly due to the presence of a layer of insulating fat under the skin to prevent the women's body temperature, leading to the reduction of combustion
Food To accumulate in the form of fat.So as to lead to Increase the weight constantly.

But when we consider a person obese? What is the exact scale?
So that we can say that this person is obese, that person is thin, and what is the ideal weight
The outlook for the body tells us, but we need an accurate scale is considered 
And a better standard of obesity and thin is the body mass index "" BMI Body mass " index is calculated as follows:
"Weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters"

And have body mass index measurements in one of the following
1 - slim person less than 18 BMI
2 - people ideal weight of 18 to 25 BMI
3 - fat person more than 25 BMI


If there is a man 178 cm tall and weighed to 84 is this man skinny or fat or moderate:

 BMI - equal to the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters.
- Weight 84 kg, height 178 meters, then according to the equation and the result is 26, and then this person is fat
Factors of obesity and its causes:

Often blame the endocrine secretions in causing obesity, and this is true in a few cases, and in most cases the cause of obesity lies outside the glands.

There are many factors help to the presence of obesity is the most important of these factors :

1 - excessive eating and lack of effort:

You should know we are talking about food here, that human food  must consist of three elements:
Carbohydrates, proteins and fats, you should know that each of these elements when burned gives the energy measured in calories, for example: one gram of carbohydrates. or proteins give four calories, while one gram of  fat gives nine calories

Each one of us a certain number of calories needed per day 
Of the activity of his body by the age and quality of his work, 

For example, an adult who has a normal working hard and needs about 2300 calories a day, distributed as follows: 
250 g carbohydrates 
100 g protein 
100 g fat 

If the person is taking food  more than his needs it will be stored  as fat component  in his body then it will lead to obesity. 

2 - Genetic factor and environmental factor:
3 - nervous and psychological factor:

In some cases, especially in females, the cause of obesity is due to emotional reasons or psychic disorder 
Making them accept to eat greedily and voraciously redundant as a mean to satisfy the psychological means of escape from reality.

4 - factor laziness and inactivity:

Became a television and radio, private car feature of modern life, which led to the reduction of motion and inertia, and thus a lack of energy stored in the form of fat, so that what is taken from the food than constantly about the need for the body, leading to obesity.

5- hormonal disorder:

Is often the cause of obesity is the low thyroid hormone or pituitary control of most of the endocrine  
and low male or female hormones.

6- Age:

Abound obesity in people between the ages of twenty and forty, but is known that obesity, which occur in childhood continue with the rights in other stages of life.

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